Healthcare Integration Services
We provide Integration & Interfacing Services in Healthcare
Optimus has built and deployed most complex HL7 Interfaces
We have built largest number of bi-directional departmental interface connections for
NHS Hospitals
We provide Monitoring & Support services for your existing and new systems
We access and build new HL7 interfaces to your clinical systems

HL7 Interfaces
1000’s of HL7 interface implementations.
With over 15+ years of HL7 interface implementation experience.
Using various versions of HL7 v2.x (v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, v2.4 and v2.5)
HL7 FHIR implementation.
Non-HL7 interface implementations like JMS, File based, DB and
web services.

Optimus IT‘s key healthcare integration solution capabilities are
1000’s of HL7 interface implementations
150+ Message Transformations handled
2000+ field translations handled
200+ projects process HL7 feeds from numerous sources
100+ Outbounds routing HL7 message to 40+ clinical systems
Message processing rate 200ms per message

IT Consulting Services
Applications Services
Assessment Services
Design and Implementation Services
Optimization and Validation Services
Migration Sevices
Enterprise Content Managment ( ECM ) Services

Mobility Applications
Optimus IT Infra offers offshore mobile application development
and porting services that enable clients to experience
the benefits of mobility.

Application Development
Custom Application Development is meant for designing software for a
specific function.